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Higher Education Libraries of Massachusetts: Migrations Changes to system

Shelving locations

Location in Evergreen Location in Koha
Audio This location used in Bedford has been discontinued.  All material in this section will use CD.
CD (Audio) This location has been deleted for Bedford items.  All campus locations will now use CD.
Circ. Desk This location will be changed Circulation Desk.
Graphic Novels Graphic  Novels will now be available in a separate section in Bedford and Lowell.
Professional Collection Evergreen now says Prof. Coll.  change to Professional Collection in Evergreen.  Both Bedford and Lowell will now have a collection of these items.
Ready Ref. This location in Evergreen will be changed to Ready Reference in Koha.
Room2 All titles in Room 2 have been deleted from the system although they will still remain in Room 2 per Paralegal review (2017)


Prefix Changes

Prefixes in Evergreen Status in Koha - Look at  any prefixes and suffixes in the system and determine if shelving locations are more suitable.
Display To be deleted in  system  -- Display label only.  Circ staff will be told to check on top of shelves as well. Reports will be run periodically using the Acquired date field in the item record.
Periodical Used for Nursing periodicals at the circ desk.  Periodical was deleted and Per is added to the end of the call number.

Other Misc changes

  • cab added to the end of call number for items shelved in the lateral cabinet behind the circ. desk in Bedford
  • FF was added to the beginning of the call number in the Films section in lieu of a Prefix to distinguish between feature films.
  • MCC Only and MCC Faculty Only will appear in a Public note which will be visible in the OPAC
  • ov added  to the end of the call number to identify them as Oversize material in lieu of a Prefix.