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HELM Policies and Practices pages
Circulation Policies
- How long should a hold remain in the system before it is canceled?
- How long should a hold remain on the hold shelf before it is returned?
- Helm will not receive online payments for overdues at this time.
- Should there be a maximum number of holds any patron can have in the system?
- Circulation rules should follow the owning library or be standardized?
- Can we/should we have limits on maximum number of checkouts?
- Do we need to get together to establish policies for intersystem lending?
- What kind of messages can be added to a patron record, who can add them and where are they placed?
- If we get a patron data load from MCC IT can they be merged with an existing file from NOBLE that includes their barcodes?
- Do we want to allow patrons to place a item specific hold?
- Do we want to give preference to local items to full fill holds requests?
Tech Services policies
- How long will overdue, missing, lost and paid be visible in the catalog?
- How long should items in the above categories remain in the system?
- At present there are certain types of serial materials that benefit from a monographic record in NOBLE. Should there be policies developed which give guidance to technical services staff for these type of material including but not limited to: travel guides, college testing manuals, series where contents is important such as Gale Poetry for Student series
- Will some standard reports be available for libraries to review, lost, missing, long overdue on a specified schedule?
- Can Flo and our group exchange marc records via z39.50?