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Higher Education Libraries of Massachusetts: Electronic Records


URLs are included in the 856 link for EBSCO records.  

a) EBSCO PDA titles - selected by MCC staff billed when used by students.
b) All EBSCO ebooks include locally purchased materials and items that were part of the shared collections through Nelinet.

Find out if it will be easier to download a new set of records with an updated 856 link or modify the proxy in batch mode in the new system

In EBSCOadmin go in and replace the ip of the NOBLE proxy in the Linking Set up proxies Screen.


Gale titles currently available are purchased individually by local libraries.  GVRL titles are no longer supported by the state. 

Salem Press Online

  • Login with username and password
  • Click on Manage Access
  • Delete old proxy ip and add new one

Films on Demand

Proxy URLS are included directly in the marc records - Alternate widget code being used on the LibGuides page.

Change proxy link in new system to:

Find out if  the catalog has a search and replace option which can be used to update the ezproxy prefix in the URLs.

 If it does not have such a feature, you can remove all of the Films on Demand records, provide FOD with the updated proxy-prefix, and then get a new MARC file containing all of your records with the new proxy modifier.  See the link above for more details.


Correct the widget code for new proxy

center><script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="" ></script> <div style=" width: 280px; height: 94px; background: url( no-repeat; background-size: 100%; position: relative;"> <input id="txtSearchTerm" type="text" placeholder="Search Films on Demand" style="border: 1px solid #ddd; width: 230px; height: 30px; padding: 1px 3px; display:block; margin: auto; position: absolute; left: 12px; bottom: 8px; font-family: source sans pro, san-serif; font-size: 13px; line-height:13px"/> <input id="btnSearchTermFilms" type="image" onclick='javascript:FilmsSearchWidget(103194, "", true);' src="" style="height:21.5px; position: absolute; bottom: 8px; right:10px "/> </div></center>


Entire record set available as a download - Proxy is not included specifically in the bib records.  Just notifiy vendor when a change is being made.

URL for Middlesex does not include proxy information so widget does not need to be changed.

Statewide resources

As of June 30, most statewide eBook resources will end.