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Higher Education Libraries of Massachusetts: Migration Details

Migration Process

Best Practices for Data Preparation
  • If you can do a fine amnesty when migrating. Sometimes it is very difficult to transfer fine data into a new ILS so an amnesty will make the process simpler.
  • Clean up data in advance. The more consistent your data is the easier it will be to transfer. in addition, migrating to a new system is a chance for a fresh start. It is an opportunity to clean up any inconsistencies in the old system.
  • Weeding - as part of your data clean up you should consider doing a weeding process on both materials and patron records. The fewer records you have the faster migration will be. If you are planning on using a vendor, they charge by record so why pay for records you don't need?
  • Consistency is key. If multiple people are working on the data make sure they are working based on the same standards.

Notice to their networks


one year 3 months
Middlesex Holyoke
North Shore Quinsigamond
Northern Essex

Mass College of Liberal Arts

Mass Bay Community College

Technical Document in the works


  • Ability to transmit orders via EDI
  • Ability to download brief Marc records to place order records in the system (requires setup on the Admin set Marc for bib and item matching)
  • Ability to track accounts/funds by library and fiscal year - Add a budget and funds


  • Check in/check out/patron accounting, renewals/ with appropriate and understandable contextual alert messages
  • Holds/network transfers/ILL among member libraries
  • Interface with ComCat and the state delivery system (currently Optima sort to light) Combined the two to highlight its importance.(LH)
  • Ability to restrict or allow borrowing to our local community and to  non-network libraries (based on item and patron types, collections, etc.)
  • Ability to search for patrons by id, name, barcode, permission group, etc
  • Recall feature


  • Ability to edit, delete, and update bib records based on permission
  • Ability to edit, delete, and update only local item records based on permission
  • Ability to add non-MARC records (for temporary reserve items, for example)
  • Ability to overlay temp records with full MARC using OCLC by permission
    Question: What rules need to defined to determine if a record is a duplicate or not?
    In Acquisitions brief records are available for the orders placed.  When will a new record be added
    and when will the item be added to a pre-existing marc record.


  • Basic, Advanced, Numeric (OCLC, ISBN/SN, LCCN, Call No, Publisher) searches including keyword, title, author, subject, series, journal name
  • Limit searches by year, format, language, library, branch
  • Display 856 links to e-resources with local scope awareness
  • Print, Email, or Save to a list individually or in batch (whole screen of records) with brief, citation, and detailed views
  • Cover images a real plus available from Content Cafe and Syndetics


  • Admin tool to create semesters, instructors, courses, and locations •
  • Enter, Search, and display reserve material based on Semester, Campus, Instructor, Course, and Department
  • Calculate statistics by item, course, professor, or semester
  •  Update course information in batch by semester if possible
  • Pull instructor names from patron database
  • Integrated with Circulation (and Cataloging) to locate and identify an item and link to the course associated with it.
    Display Course information in OPAC for the appropriate scope and semester.

HELM Members

Helm Library Members

Fields sent along from NOBLE

$b    copy owning library shortname
$c    copy shelving location name
$g    circulation modifier
$j    call number
$k    call number prefix
$m    call number suffix
$p    barcode
$t    copy number
$x    'reference', 'unholdable', 'noncirculating', 'hidden' if set in copy
$y    price