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Higher Education Libraries of Massachusetts: Reports

Regular Reports

Locate or create a report, save it for later use and then schedule to suit your needs.


Quarterly/Semiannual Reports

The 952$1 field in the item record refers to lost items.  Subfields are available for Lost and paid, missing, long overdue and not lost.  Reports for lost and paid, missing, and long overdue available directly form the reports menu under other reports.

Librarians need to review regularly items which are lost and paid to determine if the item should be replaced.  Shelves should be check regularly for missing items.

Annual reports

  IPEDS Reports

Count of bib by a library and item type

Physical Books (Book, Book_Local Patron Only, Reserve, Reference, Textbook) - Run a secondary report on Non-public note to exclude Reserve Videos (Non -Public Note:Reserve Video
Physical Videos (DVD, DVD_L, VHS,  VHS_L)
Audio (Cassettes, CD)

Online (Kanopy/FOD- Go there directly as Marc records are not up to date)

eBook, eVideo, eResource 
eJournal (Periodicals)- Should include all Flipster titles and couple ejournals we bought
eAudio - Connect to Naxos for count of eAudio + add to this report.  Naxos individual titles are not in catalog

ILL Incoming Report by library and date range (Library as Borrower)
ILL Outgoing Report by library and date range (Library as Lender)

Circulation Summary 
Circulation Itemized by Itemtype, Patron type and shelving location

Reports Created