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Faculty Guide: Spring 2025 Course Marking Form Information

It is that time of the semester to please complete the voluntary Spring 2025 (including mini-mesters) OER/No/Low-Cost Course Marking Form. This information is unique to your course(s) each semester, and is how your course(s) gets tagged as no or low-cost in Banner. Please complete it even if you've done so in past semesters.

The form is not mandatory; however, it greatly helps students who are looking for less costly course materials and ensures they have the most complete and accurate information as they register.

  • Please complete the form no later than January 1st, if you are completing the form for the Wintersession
  • Please complete the form no later than January 20th, if you are completing the form for the full Spring semester or Mini-mester I
  • Please complete the form no later than March 23rd, if you are completing the form for Mini-mester II

Link to Form: 

What Qualifies as No Cost (NCM):

Required instructional materials are available for free

    1. An optional printed version and some supplementary course instructional materials may be available for purchase
    2. This can include library resources such as eBooks, digital journal articles, streaming films, etc. if there is unlimited simultaneous user access

What Qualifies as Low-Cost (LCM):

    1. The combined cost of instructional materials must not exceed $40

This $40 threshold is based on pre-tax retail price charged by the campus bookstore or the publisher directly (whichever price is lower) 

    1. Instruction Materials Include

Textbooks/eBooks, websites, software, apps, courseware packages, inclusive access, and access codes to homework sites

    1. Instruction Materials Do Not Include:

Tools/supply cost, auxiliary fees

Questions? Contact Tracy Joyce, Coordinator of Library Services;