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Faculty Guide: Log In to Library Resources

How to Log In to Library Resources

Accessing Library Databases

You can now access the MCC Libraries databases through the MCC portal with your MCC username and password. (You no longer need to log in to databases using your A# and library password).

overhead image of the Lowell campus with the link to log in to MCC

Students HELM Log In

Students log in using their A# and a library password to access your HELM account.
  1. Your library username is your A#. Make sure you enter a capital "A" for your A#.
  2. The default library password for students is their date of birth in an MMDDYYYY format. For example, if you were born on July 4, 1776, your password would be 07041776.
  3. If needed, you can reset your password
Students do not need to register for an MCC Library card. You are automatically given a library account. 

See Items Checked Out & Renew Books

Log in to your library HELM account to check what materials you have checked out, to renew books, or to request items from another HELM library. 

log in screen for HELM

Faculty & Staff HELM Log In

Faculty and staff log in using their MCC username or library barcode and their library password to access their HELM account.  
  1. Your library username is the same as your MCC username before the @ in your email.
  2. If you have just registered for an account, a temporary password will be given to you. 
  3. If needed, you can reset your password
Faculty and staff need to register for an MCC Library card. The physical card will be delivered to your campus office or mailed to your home.