Check the complete list of MCC Library databases to find the most helpful database for your research. You will be asked to log in to your MCC Library account to access databases from off campus. The list can be sorted alphabetically, by subject, and by content type.
Course Reserve provides textbooks, books, and other materials that support the instructional requirements of specific courses. Many faculty members choose to place materials on reserve to ensure that all students in the class have access to it. Course reserves are located at the circulation desk in both campus libraries. This links to the HELM catalog search for Course Reserve materials at MCC.
Some course textbooks are available online. These provide helpful options to easily take notes, highlight sections, and provide access to various accessibility features.
Use BrowZine to browse through full-page versions of current and recent issues of thousands of journals from a broad variety of subject areas. This is helpful if you want see recent issues of specific journals or from journals in certain subject areas. Use the MCC Library Search or A-Z Databases to search for articles.
Browse our collection of digital magazines, including both popular and academic titles. This is helpful if you want to browse a specific magazine or category. Use the MCC Library Search or A-Z Databases to search for articles.