Why search here? Use this link to search multiple EBSCO databases at once. This collection of databases that can be found listed individually in the A-Z Database List. Choose the databases you want to search on the next screen. This is helpful if you aren't sure which database to search or want to search multiple places at once.
What's included? This collection includes the following databases: Academic Search Complete, Associates Programs Source Plus, MasterFILE Premier, Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection, Religion and Philosophy Collection, and eBook Collection
Why search here? Use this link to search multiple Gale databases, spanning many subjects, at once. This collection of databases that can be found listed individually in the A-Z Database List. Choose the databases you want to search on the next screen. This is helpful if you aren't sure which database to search or want to search multiple places at once.
What's included? This collection provides access to articles, videos, charts, images, infographics, and more from Academic OneFile, Biography, Gale eBooks, General OneFile, Opposing Viewpoints, Popular Magazines, Pop Culture Studies, The New York Times Article Archive, and Vocations and Careers.
Why search here? Provide students extensive coverage of historical events. This collection contains millions of articles from periodicals and newspapers; hundreds of thousands of topic and event overviews; biographies; and rich multimedia, including images, videos, audio, and weblinks. This invaluable resource provides access to information on diverse topics, such as early America, the Great Depression, and National History Day.
What's included? The database includes Gale's authoritative reference content with full-text magazines, academic journals, news articles, primary source documents, images, videos, audio files, and links to vetted websites. These are all organized into a user-friendly portal experience.
Why search here? From antiquity to the present day, search a broad collection of scholarly analysis and full-text periodicals, reference works and primary documents that cover the events, movements, and individuals that have shaped world history.
What's included? The database provides information on significant people, events, and topics in World History.