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Open Source and Open Access Literature: eBooks at MCC

Free digital access to literature. Most of these are classic writings in novels, short stories, essays, reference, plays, and poetry with digital textbooks, too.

Proquest eBook Central

This collection of eBooks are provided in cooperation with the FLO library network.  The collection includes recent titles to support many academic disciplines. Direct links to titles are available if interested. Content can be downloaded to your computer with Adobe Digital Editions. Information about a forgotten Adobe ID can be found at

For additional questions see the Proquest eBook Central Libguide

R2 Digital Library

The R2 Digital Library is a web based database available from Rittenhouse Book Distributors.  It offers allied health and nursing eBooks from key health science publishers, on a web based platform.

GALE eBooks

The  Gale Virtual Reference Library includes subject areas of literature, history, and business.  Direct links and Pdf versions of articles can be downloaded, emailed or printed 24/7.  Unlimited simultaneous access is allowed without an app.

EBSCO eBooks

The EBSCO collection of eBooks is a small collection of selected titles that are available through a patron-driven acquisition model. If you are interested in access to a specific title please contact the library.  Users can read the eBook through the browser or on a mobile device an eBook can be read through the browser and if checked out, through Adobe Digital Editions App.  Adobe Digital Editions is available for Android and IOS devices through the Google Play and IPhone and IPAD app stores. 

Salem eBooks Online

This collection of titles includes selected Salem Press content in the areas of history, literature, science, technology and careers.

Separate links are available for each title or subject series.

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