Middlesex Community College libraries offer students in business, music and related disciplines access to numerous resources. Use the tabs below to locate books, articles, websites and citation help
Begin looking for music business materials by browsing our collection in the call number range ML for music and music business books and HF for business books.
Why search here? Use this link to search multiple business related databases at once. This collection of databases that can be found listed individually in the A-Z Database List. Choose the databases you want to search on the next screen. This is helpful if you aren't sure which business database to search or want to search multiple places at once.
What's included? This collection includes the following databases: Academic Search Complete, AgeLine, APA PsycArticles, Associates Programs Source Plus, Biomedical Reference Collection: Basic, Business Source Complete, Criminal Justice Abstracts with Full Text, eBook Academic Collection, eBook Collection, International Security & Counter Terrorism Reference Center, MasterFILE Premier, Regional Business News, SocINDEX with Full Text, and more
Why search here? Business Insights: Essentials brings together a wide variety of business information, including company profiles, company brand and market share, rankings, company histories, chronologies, and articles.
What's included? The database allows you to search for companies by company name, ticker symbol, SIC or NAICS codes, or industry description. Use to find company histories, brand share, and market share data. Use keywords to search through three different categories: companies, industries, and articles.
Why search here? Business Source Complete is designed for business students. It covers such topics as management, economics, finance, accounting, international business, and much more. It also provides access to industry, market, and company research which often contain SWOT (Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities and Threats) analysis of larger companies.
What's included? The database includes full-text content and peer-reviewed business journals, scholarly journals, business periodicals, trade journals, industry reports, and related information.
Why search here? Gale OneFile: Fine Arts places millions of articles at the fingertips of serious students of drama, music, art history, and filmmaking. Periodical database for serious students of drama, music, art history, and filmmaking.
What's included? This collection provides resources to support research in areas such as drama, music, art history, and filmmaking. The database includes over 500 journals, with more than 400 available in full text.