Why search here? Artstor features millions of high-quality images and media from some of the world’s top photo archives, museums, libraries, scholars, and artists, including rare materials not available anywhere else. All content in Artstor is rights-cleared for education and research — you are free to use it in classroom instruction and handouts, presentations, student assignments, and other noncommercial educational and scholarly activities.
What's included? Includes over one million images in the areas of art, architecture, the humanities, and social sciences. With ARTstor, you can zoom in on and pan images as well as print, save, and organize them. Instructors should contact the library for instructor access.
Why search here? Designed for academic institutions, this database is a leading resource for scholarly research. and supports high-level research in the key areas of academic study.
What's included? Journals, periodicals, reports, books and more. Subjects include: Animal science, anthropology, astronomy, biology, chemistry, engineering, ethnic and multicultural studies, general science, geography, geology, law, mathematics, music, pharmaceutical sciences, physics, psychology, religion and philosophy, science and technology, veterinary science, women's studies, zoology, and more.
Why search here? Gale OneFile: Fine Arts places millions of articles at the fingertips of serious students of drama, music, art history, and filmmaking. Periodical database for serious students of drama, music, art history, and filmmaking.
What's included? This collection provides resources to support research in areas such as drama, music, art history, and filmmaking. The database includes over 500 journals, with more than 400 available in full text.
Why search here? Biography (Gale In Context) uses numerous reference works to provide extensive biographical information. This database features many different search options and can be searched according to various categories.
What's included? Includes in-depth, full-text articles from hundreds of periodicals and reference sources. Search for subjects based on one or more personal facts or combine criteria to create a highly-targeted custom search.
Why search here? Use this link to search multiple Gale databases, spanning many subjects, at once. This collection of databases that can be found listed individually in the A-Z Database List. Choose the databases you want to search on the next screen. This is helpful if you aren't sure which database to search or want to search multiple places at once.
What's included? This collection provides access to articles, videos, charts, images, infographics, and more from Academic OneFile, Biography, Gale eBooks, General OneFile, Opposing Viewpoints, Popular Magazines, Pop Culture Studies, The New York Times Article Archive, and Vocations and Careers.