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Global Issues: Find Books & eBooks

Middlesex Community College libraries offer students in Global Issues and related disciplines access to numerous resources. Use the tabs below to locate books, articles, websites and citation help.

Search the MCC HELM Koha Catalog



Our online catalog provides access to the library collections of MCC along with the libraries in the HELM (Higher Education Libraries of Massachusetts) Network. HELM is a new library network that contains the holdings of 12 academic libraries throughout Massachusetts. You may request materials directly from all the HELM libraries with a library card and password. Materials from HELM are usually delivered within a few days.  

For additional materials see also the MinutemanMVLC library networks.

Student HELM Log In

Students log in using their A# and a library password to access your HELM account.
  1. Your library username is your A#. Make sure you enter a capital "A" for your A#.
  2. The default library password for students is their date of birth in an MMDDYYYY format. For example, if you were born on July 4, 1776, your password would be 07041776.
  3. If needed, you can reset your password
Students do not need to register for an MCC Library card.
You are automatically given a library account when you register for classes. 

Selected Books & eBooks: Global Issues & Current Events 

EBSCO Collection

Salem Series Collection 

Public Library