Middlesex Community College libraries offer students in Economics access to numerous resources. Use the tabs below to locate books, articles, media, websites and citation help.
Why search here? Use this link to search multiple business related databases at once. This collection of databases that can be found listed individually in the A-Z Database List. Choose the databases you want to search on the next screen. This is helpful if you aren't sure which business database to search or want to search multiple places at once.
What's included? This collection includes the following databases: Academic Search Complete, AgeLine, APA PsycArticles, Associates Programs Source Plus, Biomedical Reference Collection: Basic, Business Source Complete, Criminal Justice Abstracts with Full Text, eBook Academic Collection, eBook Collection, International Security & Counter Terrorism Reference Center, MasterFILE Premier, Regional Business News, SocINDEX with Full Text, and more
Why search here? Use this link to search multiple Gale business related databases at once. This collection of databases that can be found listed individually in the A-Z Database List. Choose the databases you want to search on the next screen. This is helpful if you aren't sure which database to search or want to search multiple places at once.
What's included? This collection includes full-text coverage from nearly 4,000 leading business and trade publications from international, U.S., and regional news sources. The collection includes the following databases: Business Insights: Essentials, General Business File ASAP, Business, Economics and theory, Culinary Arts Collection, Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure Collection, Small Business Collection, Academic OneFile, General Reference Center Gold, New York Times, Gale Virtual Reference Collection, Vocations and Career Collections.
Why search here? Full text, searchable database of the The Wall St. Journal newspaper, which is considered the preeminent publication for business news and information on financial markets worldwide.
What's included? Full text of articles published in the New York Times newspaper from 1984 to the present. Text only articles, which do not contain all content found in the published version of the WSJ. Excluded items include advertisements, charts, classified ads, graphs, most images, and non-staff written items. Updated daily by 8 a.m.
Digital Magazines
Business journals are available in print at the MCC Libraries
Fortune, Entrepreneur, Black EOE Journal and other magazines are also available online in Flipster, the Digital Magazine Newsstand.